Friday, August 17, 2012


First confession. I'm scared. Of losing . Not just people, stuff but myself. I'm afraid If I start to lose sight of myself one day. I hate to think that I'm going to end up being like those weird dude that keep leaving and come back only when they need us. I hate the idea of being an adult. I'm going to forget, all those memories of being of a child. I'm going to start thinking bout the consequences first. i don't want to be someone else. I want to stay young and free. An awesome life. 

Well, confessing is not really an easy thing to do but somehow and tired of keeping everything in a bottle and cover it with a thousand layers of titanium and throwing it in the ocean. it's stupid. I want to share stuff but I'm afraid if people won't accept me. I hate being alone. I don't want to be left alone in the dark. I hate that situation . I just want to be me with all my love ones sorrounding my world. thats the best i can ask for , ain't that right ?

just being me