Monday, November 12, 2012

0005 [bye-bye pimples]!


i got it from here :


Gather all materials beforehand -- see "Things You'll Need" below. You might want to store them in a waterproof resealable bag, such as Ziploc. I'd recommend wearing either old clothes or a bathrobe over whatever you are wearing. There is a definite possibility this is going to spill. After you have found everything on you checklist, head to a large, flat, waterproof surface. This is probably your bathroom. Having this room be private is highly advised; you can't just say, "Get out, I'm flattening a pimple," can you?

Things You'll Need
3 or more cotton balls
- Lukewarm tap water
- Cup to hold the water in
- Salt

The Method

1. Salt the water thoroughly -- much more than you think it needs.
2. Dip one cotton ball in the salt water.
3. Wait for 30 - 60 seconds.
4. Squeeze out excess water out until it is damp, but not dripping.
5. Place the damp cotton ball over your large, oh-my-goodness-I-cannot-go-to-... zit. If you have several of these grouped together, try to place the cotton ball over them all.
6. Glance at your watch/clock. Wait exactly three minutes.
7. Remove the cotton ball after the time is up. The zit seems to be nearly gone, but it is only the top that has dissolved. Your acne is still there.
8. Take the other two cotton balls and place them on either side of the despised pimple.
9. Slowly, move them closer together until the tiny bump is flattened. Congrats! You've just conquered that giant of a pimple -- forever!
10. Apply honey on the infected area & go to sleep!!


*Don't forget the last 3 steps -- they are crucial.*
Be sure to follow these steps closely. 
Dipping a cottonball in fresh water as opposed to salt will not work, for instants.
* You might want to bring a book -- either waterproof or one that you do not care about being splattered in water. Those three minutes can get boring.
* This is your best bet for monster zits that simply sneak up on you. For long-term healthy skin, cleansing and toning is also important.

Warnings* Please, PLEASE, do not assume this is permission to "pop" pimples. Doing so can cause major scarring. Please don't pop them.* If you stop after the top is dissolved, I must warn you: it WILL come back! Maybe not in the next five minutes, but during the course of an hour, it will come back!

You can even try applying original Head & Shoulder Shampoo to clear acne!!! I WORKS like a charm!! Read all about it here including people's comment about it!…

If you feel new pimples erupting, ice it! Hold an ice cube over the area for about 5-10 minutes. It REALLY works!!!

For acne scars

1. Lemon juice is natural bleach and helps in lightening the scars and blemishes of the skin.
2. Rosehip seed oil is also another home remedy which reduces acne scars. It is mostly used in the cosmetic products and used for acne scarring, facial scarring, surgical scars, sun damage, premature aging, burn marks etc. This oil should be massaged twice on the acne scars daily.
3. Application of Aloe Vera gel/juice to the fresh wounds prevents the formation of permanent scars.
4. One of the home remedy is that ice cubes can be rubbed on the acne scars for ten to fifteen minutes.
5. Vitamin E is considered best for the healthy glowing skin. Application of vitamin E oil or capsule to the scar will completely vanish the scar in few weeks.
6. The most effective remedy for the scars is application of honey several times a day. It will give a natural glow to the skin and will remove all scars.

If you have too many pimples/whiteheads/blackheads/ acne/acne scars/... I recommend you to try Carley's Clear & Smooth!! It's CHEAPER & BETTER than Proactive!! People are raving about this product!! Read their feedbacks/reviews!!…


Sunday, November 4, 2012


They say a memory is something you reconstruct depending on small fragments of recollections in your mind, they say that remembering is the same as seeing an illusion, what is existence? What if we had stopped there or if we turned the corner.. What if we hadn't stumble over pebbles or even gotten lost? What if we've never stopped..? What if back then... innumerable of small choices led me onto the road I'm on now. When I was right and when I was wrong. I was always me, you, him, anyone, everyone.. we're all right now.Its all right now.The sad times, the happy times, all of them are precious memories. so I pray ...let it be forever. 
I read those lines from a manga, it touches my heart. I felt thankful to all those little things that happened to me these past 15 years. everything thing happens for a reason, every moral values comes with pain, every actions comes with a reason. without them, maybe, I'll still be a kid, not knowing what to do and keep on burdening others with my problem. I'm really thanking for all those little word that people told me, and all those little actions and reactions. let it be forever :) 

Tuesday, October 23, 2012



Now I'm super confident.I'll finally manage to make a decision to put away all my past behind me and start to move on. I've even talk to him about it and deleted all our pictures, contacts , messages. I even block him in facebook. Heheh. Truthfully saying I am sad about it. a little . Maybe its all because those memories is a little sharp . Maybe that's why its hard for me to forget and it continue to remind me to remember. Well. First love last forever aite ? Anyways, on the 31st, I'll be on my flight to Abu Dhabi and saying buh-bye to Malaysia. gosh .I miss my friends already.  I'll continue to try and make some time to make some update for my blog so don't worry. 

Sunday, August 19, 2012


heyyya. hurm. the second one. I'm fake.

I fake smile, fake laugh, fake jokes, fake clothes, fake face and maybe fake at being a normal teenage girl. I think most of my junior hates me because I was being too strict on them during our training for the school's sports day. I was like keep training, buying them ice-cream, candies and anything else that I can affford in just one tiny condition, please come for the training but what did they give me. bullshit! urgh. I hate them. I sacrificed a lot, but they gave me nothing in return. like I was wasting my time trying to figure out a good excuse so they wouldn't get punished for being absent and coming late or anything then making a stupid report for the teacher. I hate those times. Thank god It happened like 2 months ago. whoo ~ 

I think I got some kind of relation with shakespear or anything because I certaintly can't understand what I'm saying . whoohoo . lucky me. awesome. 

yea. I'm awesome .

Friday, August 17, 2012


First confession. I'm scared. Of losing . Not just people, stuff but myself. I'm afraid If I start to lose sight of myself one day. I hate to think that I'm going to end up being like those weird dude that keep leaving and come back only when they need us. I hate the idea of being an adult. I'm going to forget, all those memories of being of a child. I'm going to start thinking bout the consequences first. i don't want to be someone else. I want to stay young and free. An awesome life. 

Well, confessing is not really an easy thing to do but somehow and tired of keeping everything in a bottle and cover it with a thousand layers of titanium and throwing it in the ocean. it's stupid. I want to share stuff but I'm afraid if people won't accept me. I hate being alone. I don't want to be left alone in the dark. I hate that situation . I just want to be me with all my love ones sorrounding my world. thats the best i can ask for , ain't that right ?

just being me